Symbols in the great gatsby sparknotes
Symbols in the great gatsby sparknotes

In a conversation with a young man named Michaelis, George refers back to an argument with his wife, “You may fool me, but you can’t fool God! ” Standing behind him, Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. He had never been able to achieve his dream of being rich, and was stuck living in this place. The valley in which this advertisement hung was portrayed as a place where people with lost dreams lived.George Wilson had lived in this place for over “eleven years” (37) with his wife, Myrtle. They were a symbol of a God-like figure that was always watching over the “valley of ashes” (26). J Eckleburg were only part of an old advertisement that had been abandoned, but was an important symbol throughout the novel. The valley he lived in represented his lost dreams he had not attained his dreams nor would ever do so.George Wilson and Jay Gatsby were two men living in two very different places, and these symbols helped develop their character. This was very symbolic because he was living in neither East nor West Egg, but in a place where people with lost dreams lived. He was a man who lived in this “desolate area of land” (26), and ran his own garage. George Wilson, on the other hand, lived in an area between New York and West Egg that was called the “valley of ashes” (26). Gatsby’s dream was not to be able to be wealthy and powerful, but it was to be together with Daisy, “Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay” (Fitzgerald 76).This is why he lived in West Egg he was still striving to achieve his dream. Gatsby, a man wealthy enough to live in East Egg chose to buy an estate and live in West Egg. The people who lived in East Egg were people who had attained the dream, wealth and power, whereas the people living in West Egg were still striving to attain it. Symbols were constantly used in Fitzgerald’s novel to help develop the characters of George Wilson and Jay Gastby.An important symbol was where Jay Gatsby and George Wilson lived, and how it symbolized their dreams. This novel was filled with symbols and symbolism, which try to convey Fitzgerald’s ideas to the reader. Eckleburg, and the cars in this story were all used for this. Symbols such as the area where these two characters lived, the eyes of Doctor T. In Francis Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, symbols are widely used for Jay Gatsby and George Wilson’s character development. T.J.Symbols are always used in novels to help readers understand the story in-depth.

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  • Symbols in the great gatsby sparknotes